I am so happy you landed on my page! My name is Shilamida (Chill with a Sh-ill-ahh-mee-dah) I love to smile, make people laugh and celebrate life. I have lived quite the life and the stories I share are inspiring and motivating! If you vibe with me then, we can create magic together! Looking forward to getting to know each other.

hey there!

When you live your life without caring what others think, that’s true freedom.

It’s the kind of freedom that comes at the deep cost of self actualization. Of being okay with being a walking trigger, a disruptor.

It’s not an easy path but it’s worth it.

It happens the moment you stop worrying what they say about you behind your back.

“She can’t possibly be that happy. No one is that happy. Somethings wrong. She’s crazy. You should see her blah blah blah… it’s because blah blah blah …”

People will make up stories about you to make them feel better. They’ll make you wrong when you did right. They’ll twist a word or a sentence until they’ve gotten an army against you…

But when you stop making what they think and say important it won’t matter anymore. Your freedom will be greater than the pain of anything they could ever say about you.

Because words may sting, but they are just words, and most people don’t even understand the meaning of the words they choose to use.

So today, stand strong! Be true to you!

When you do big things or things against the norm you will always become the center of other people’s fears.

That’s true freedom! And it happens by falling in love with yourself and your life!

Being, doing, loving what you want, when you want, as often as you’d like because I’m pretty sure when God gave us life, the intention was not for it to come with the level of fear that most people walk around with.

The world needs you as you are, not a watered down version of you!

Join me on Valentine’s Day for a 14 day Love Your Life Challenge. Focus your intention on living the best life ever. Activate your joy and happy meter everyday and see the magic unfold.

What true Freedom is?


When you live your life without caring what others think, that’s true freedom. It’s the kind of freedom that comes at the deep cost of self actualization. Of being okay with being a walking trigger, a disruptor. It’s not an easy path but it’s worth it. It happens the moment you stop worrying what they […]

What true Freedom is?
