I remember the first time I ever wanted to go on retreat…. (My first retreat photo )
I had connected with Andee Love through a Gabby Bernstein event back in 2018 and her content was speaking to my soul.
I so desired to be in her container, but I didn’t even know what a container was. I had never heard these terms before.
She was selling a year long mastermind, also something I never heard of before, that I really wanted to be a part of, but I was so scared.
What if I don’t like anyone? What if they don’t like me? What if the weather is bad? What if I’m miserable?
But, what if, I loved it all?
What if, this was what I needed to get unstuck?
What if, I could meet other women who were on the same journey as me?!
And then she started promoting a weekend retreat. Arrive Friday night, leave on Sunday…
I had never left my husband and children to go on retreat.
Was that ok? Would he be ok with it?
Was I a bad mother for wanting to leave my kids for the weekend? I had 2 under 4 at the time.
And then the money . The cost of the retreat, the flight
. It was a lot of money for a little bit of time.
My soul was a Let’s Go, but my mind was a No.
And so… I bought the ticket anyway!
Because I needed to push through my comfort zone!
Because I knew I needed to be in sisterhood, even though there was a chance I wouldn’t like anyone or worse no one would like me…
Because I knew I needed something different, something more!
And of course. It was the best decision of my life at that time!
Not only did I go on that retreat and loved it, I joined the mastermind that would teach me everything I know about running my own retreats!
That weekend propelled me forward towards the love I desired to live! The life I am living now!
It was that one decision that gave me the courage and bravery I needed. It was that sisterhood and mentorship that taught me what I know in the business I am running now.
I’m inviting you to step outside your comfort zone. Lean in on sisterhood and Go For It! All of it. Because this life is here now!
This opportunity is here for you now!
Spring is coming and this retreat is all about rebirthing you! Stepping into the Goddess that you are and owning your place in this world!
5 spots left for Rise Goddess Rise happening 5/3-5/5. Push through the discomfort of not knowing anyone. Push through the discomfort of spending $$ on yourself. Push through whatever it is that’s holding you back.
Excuses are the old you! In my world we take action and it’s worth it every single time!
P.S. The expansion and growth since this photo is a WOW! I didn’t even recognize me when I first saw it… What could happen to you in the next 5 years if you said yes now? Only you know. Click here.