I am so happy you landed on my page! My name is Shilamida (Chill with a Sh-ill-ahh-mee-dah) I love to smile, make people laugh and celebrate life. I have lived quite the life and the stories I share are inspiring and motivating! If you vibe with me then, we can create magic together! Looking forward to getting to know each other.

hey there!

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am a realist.
I think a lot… I contemplate.

I don’t accept anything at face value.
I ponder. I, what if.
I see and I know.
I am able to remove my ego and see when I might not be seeing clearly.
I understand that thoughts are based on our limiting beliefs that we’ve been conditioned to follow our whole lives.
I know that most people’s thoughts aren’t real.
I get that we live in autopilot 95% of the time.

Our bodies just move through daily motions based on the thoughts of our past AND simultaneously creating the thoughts and conditions of our future. 🤔 Really think on this. Read it again and again.

I am very awake and very aware.
I remember when I was blind to the obvious and just listened to the most popular person that was around me, because she/he must know more than me because of their popularity… smh 🤦🏻‍♀️

NO! Never! Never ever dumb yourself down bc of someone else. But most people do.

And that’s ok if that’s you.
It gets to not be you anymore, if you choose.

Our society that teaches us to pedestal the rich and famous. The movie stars. And so we create pedestals in our life. And we create expectations that no one can meet. We start listening to everyone around us, except for listening to our inner knowing.

I know and get very well that we are living through spiritual warfare and we are at war right now and it’s time to WAKE UP.

For months I’ve been ⚠️ warning you about weather modification. Cloud seeding. Look up in the sky. Remember? Go look 👀 on my Facebook wall if you don’t.

And now we are seeing the effects of the things we cannot ignore anymore.

It’s time to wake up and face the truth.
The truth that you’ve been lied to this whole time and time to stop crucifying the messenger and get ready to take your life back!

We need love and we need prayer. Collectively.
And we need to be prepared

NY/NJ I hope I’m wrong, I’m pretty sure we’re going to see another Sandy here this season. Start prepping now. People in Asheville never thought their city would be under water… I created an Amazon list. Click the HERE to take a look.

Be Prepared


I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am a realist.I think a lot… I contemplate. I don’t accept anything at face value.I ponder. I, what if.I see and I know.I am able to remove my ego and see when I might not be seeing clearly.I understand that thoughts are based on our limiting beliefs that we’ve […]

Be Prepared
